'Matariki is a time of reflect on the past year, celebrate the present and to make some plans for the year ahead'.
For me it is always good to look back to see the progress in the garden establishment, celebrate our good fortune in these challenging times, in having a good solid roof over our head and space to enjoy the garden and feel blessed with the wonderful soil we have and the ability to grow much of our food. I have lots of special plants in the garden that connect me to friends and family. Kay's bright red and yellow primula is flowering right now and brings her cheerful presence to mind. She was always fun and this plant is a little spot of sunshine and cheer in the winter gloom. Kay was a very generous dear friend and was always happy to share her garden with me and I tried to return the favour - to me that just what gardeners do. Kay passed to the next life at the end of 2023 and while her time had come, I remember her especially in the plants she shared. This little primula just one of her special gifts.
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