Starting over again - 2024
I have lost my way with the blog, having got out of the habit of noting things down. I have taken the photos and looking back over these will hopefully prompt me to make some notes so that there is some kind of record for the future. I feel a bit ashamed that I haven't posted anything for a whole year. Life has been happening a long with lots of gardening. Some things have died such as my beautiful Ceris Forest Pansy and Hamamelis Pallida. Unknown why they died but in the El nino weather conditions it has been extremely windy.
I have got older and celebrated a big number birthday, and the Tidy gardener has had his health challenges. We have a new fur baby Ruru (Little Owl) who just arrived a year ago, deciding Holt Cottage garden was a good place to stay........ and she keeps us well entertained BUT also catches birds. The only plus about this, is that there were fewer birds to feast on the gooseberry and raspberry crops this summer. She wants to be Rocket's bestie but Rocket is still not sure of her.
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