Starting over - the neglected blog - January 2023
My gardening blog has sadly been neglected. A number of reasons, not least a Mum who is ill - but the garden here, itself is on-going and is my happy place. Time to start over and try and record what is happening at Holt Cottage. I have been making photo cards of the garden to send to Mum instead of writing the blog - so I do have the photos. A couple of plants that are flowering right now.
Left is miniature rose Winsome which had a repot and move recently and has responded amazing well. A bit of care makes all the difference.....
Below left is a new yarrow Achillia millefolium Brickdust - part of last year's birthday purchase funded my Mum. In Mum's Stoke Hellebore Cottage garden, yarrows did particularly well. (Past tense, as recently she has had to sell her home and garden due to her on-going health issues).
Yarrows do well here too despite different soils and climate. The yarrow I bought previously Achillia millefolium Summerwine is not doing particularly well, and it may be the site or just a slow starter. It is on notice to be moved. Brickdust (a selection from Marshwood Gardens) is planted in a new area below the water tanks behind the garage - I guess this is called the Forest Pansy garden. There are four roses there too and some of last year's dahlia seedlings - but more on those another day.
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