Dahlias from seed - an experiment


I have grown some dahlias from seed this year just for a bit of fun.  I collected the seed  mostly at Mum’s place last year – they are nothing fancy – just singles which are better for the bees – they are just starting to flower.  The test will be getting them through the winter as they don’t make very much of a tuber the first year.  We’ll see what happens.  I collected seeds from two different plants, both pink - one seedhead stolen from Suffolk Road - that one only gave me one plant and the rest from Mum's bright dark pink one.  I have grown them in 15cm pots buried in the ground so I can lift them easily.  Dahlias are not self fertile, so it has been interesting to see the results.  Lots of them do have faults such as bent petals but it's been a bit of fun and if they make a tuber for next spring I will put them in the garden regardless.

NZ Gardener offered free dahlia seed to subscribers this year from Dr Keith Hammett’s breeding programme.  Mum’s a subscriber so I sent off my stamped addressed envelope but because of lockdown the usual process of sending out free seeds didn’t happen.  I finally got mine in December which is too late for sowing in Southland this season but at least I have had a practice run!  I expect some stunners next year.  Goodness knows what I will do with all the dahlias!!!


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