Two new roses

June has been decidedly wet and cold and gardening has not been top priority.  Now it's July and two fine and warm days have meant the urge to get outside in the garden has been strong.  I have managed to get my two new hybrid tea roses in the ground - in the warmest sunniest spot still available in the garden.  I was luckily enough to use my Nichols loyalty points to buy Big Purple and Perfume Delight.  I have chosen these two as they meet my criteria for perfume, as well as they have long stems, so should be good for cutting.  The downslide of the chosen spot is that the neighbour's raspberries have migrated to our side of the fence.  I have dug down and made a barrier of corrugated iron to stop any more coming through but time will tell whether I have got all the roots out!!

I find early winter is often a depressing time in the garden.  Things look drab, leaves are rotting and there looks like there is not a lot to see.  It is a good time to see if the structure could be improved; if there are enough evergreen plants versus deciduous ones and if there are some special interesting plants for the winter season.  I took a walk around the garden looking for leaves that were interesting in mid June and I was pleased with how many I was able to find.  There is room for more ever greens.  I know some patience is required as once the rhododendrons grow and establish, they will become more dominant.  Additionally, I have buxus cuttings that I can use to make more box balls.  Once the hellebores start to flower (and there are at least four flowering now) and when bulbs start to shoot, then then things start to become more interesting.  The winter sweet and the witch hazel are also just starting to flower.  I bought plants from Marshlands Nursery at the end of May - these were a birthday treat from my Mum.  Some of these have been planted and some repotted awaiting a decision on the best place to plant these.  The list will be for another post.


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