New planters along the drive
The old bath in summer
Our old bath is on the southeast side of the house on the edge of the drive. It's a shady spot in winter and a dry spot in summer. It is planted in a variety of succulents and sedums and gives a nice show in summer. Our house has its longest side along the drive and this winter we have bought two concrete troughs that were former power boxes, to place along the drive and help break up the length. They have minimal drainage but the rain does not come from this direction so here's hoping they don't get too sodden. They have been planted in June with small bedding plants - aubretias, pansies and polyanthus.
What will happen is a guess at this point. Despite being frozen (on days with hard frost) the plants are growing so I am hopeful of a display at some point. Ideally they should possibly have been planted in May but due to Covid-19 this wasn't possible. Additionally, I planted polyanthus, pansies, violas in pots and around the clothesline bed earlier in the month. These get a lot more sun so it will be interesting to see the difference in flowering times. The plants were purchased on three occasions from three different sources so it will be interesting to note too what performs best.
Note to self not to put blood and bone in pots/beds where darling dog Rocket can access!!! She didn't seem to notice it for 10 days or so and I thought I was safe but after digging up the seedlings on three occasions I've had to resort to wire netting cages around the pots which isn't quite the look I was hoping for. There are now two blue ceramic pots on the paved area waiting planting inspiration. Thank you for the birthday present Mum.
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