Autumn is here but there are roses still blooming
Autumn is here but there are roses and dahlias still blooming. There has been a lot of rain and wind but no serious frosts to date so those roses buds are opening and there some beautiful roses to end the season. There is an odd assortment of roses in the garden. A few were here when we arrived which have been moved about somewhat. The tough have survived - only one has an perfume which I really like in roses. I thought I had inherited my mother's prejudice against roses - although, she did have a few in her old garden and has now more than ever in her new garden. The floral art ladies seem to have worked their magic with their enthusiasm for them and I find on count up I have quite a few in the garden now. I have accepted other people's throw outs and have grown successful cuttings of others. I have even bought a few that I think are especially fragrant and beautiful. The climbing Blackberry Nip is one of these and has flowered and flowered in its second year. It seems to struggle with blackspot a bit and I did one copper spray this season which made a real difference and I am trying to improve my rose hygiene, picking up diseased leaves and realise I will probably need to spray in the winter as well.
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