Week two of lockdown

The path behind the garage has proved its worth and I don’t know why it took so long to happen!  Now that it’s in place the planting can be finished in the woodland area to complete that area of the garden.  The species lily Uchida in the cherry tree garden, not far from the end of the garage path is blooming at present – it hasn’t flowered before and it’s lovely to have something special blooming at this time of year.  It is supposed to be strongly fragrant so I must have a sniff tomorrow as more buds have opened since I photographed it.  Some of the roses are having a second flush – Albertine has had a few flowers and some of the other roses have buds on them.  Whether the heavy frost hold off will determine whether there are flowers.

The cherry tree (bird cherry I think), looks as if it may be starting to decline as one major branch didn’t leaf up this year.  In anticipation of the enormous hole that will leave, I planted Camilla Donation near it today.  I have put it in less than an ideal spot.  I dug as large a hole as I could and have put in plenty of compost.  I will need to water it weekly to help it establish.  I am hoping against long odds that I can establish it.


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