Thank you Brodie for the lilies

The lilies are looking fantastic this year - it's their second season in the ground and they're obviously happy in the spots I've chosen, as lilies need great drainage, especially through the winter.  Additionally, they like their roots to be cool and their heads in the sun.  I inherited orange tiger lilies with the garden and they grow like weeds so I was sure it would be worth giving lilies a try.  Brodie gave me the bulbs two years ago for Mother's Day and I am so enjoying them.  I bought one of each of the coloured tiger lilies on offer and the pink one 'Pink Flavour' flowered first - it's not the nicest pink - it has a bit of grey in it but it's happy where it is and I managed to grow a little one from the single stem bulbil it had in year one.  I prefer the pale yellow one which is called 'Sweet Surrender', as in photo below, taken 12 January this year. 

I bought just one Asiatic lily, a dark one 'Landini' - I thought I'd try a few different types of lily, and it's a real beauty but has no perfume.  This year it flowered mid January and at the same time as the nearby pink Christmas lilies 'Bellsong' (they're also known as trumpet of longiflorum lilies) and they smell very sweet.  These are in 'Meg's garden' which is a fairly dry spot.

I splashed out on the Christmas lilies and bought three and with the early summer rain they have grown tall, almost as my height!!

Some of the other lily types I bought are still to flower.  This pink one I was given when someone was down -sizing and it flowers early in January and I love it with the pink yarrow.  This achillea seems to be very happy in this garden - it's a treasure from my Mum's new Stoke garden - possibly it is 'Cerise Queen'.


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